by خالد | May 23, 2016 | Apps and Tools |
Once teachers become more familiar with interactive boards and start using iPads and tablets in their classrooms they start searching for applications that can allow them to use their iPads as interactive boards. In addition to that one of the things that teachers...
by خالد | May 23, 2016 | Apps and Tools |
عندما يصبح المعلمين أكثر دراية باللوحات التفاعلية ويبدأون في استخدام الأيباد والألواح الرقمية في صفوفهم، حينها يبدأون بالبحث عن التطبيقات التي يمكن أن تسمح لهم باستخدام الأيباد كلوح تفاعلي. ونعلم ايضاً أن المعلمين يقومون دائماً بإنشاء الفيديوهات التعليمية لطلابهم، هذه...
by خالد | May 13, 2016 | Apps and Tools |
Kahoot: Play: Website: Download my free eBook infograph click here Quizizz: Play: Website: ClassDojo: Website: Explaineveything: ...
by خالد | May 12, 2016 | Apps and Tools |
I remember some walls in my city and how it used to have all these writings and drawn pictures which sometimes can be attractive and creative. There was a little bit of poetry, quotes and other personal messages that someone realized that the wall is the best place to...
by خالد | May 8, 2016 | Apps and Tools |
Imagine having an interactive board and you want to create a presentation, which is also interactive where you add pictures, videos animations, experiments and bring real world experiences to the classroom. All this can be done using Activinspire. It is software that...