KET Corner
Khalid’s Education Technology Corner
By: Khalid Omar Yassin
A comprehensive library of contemporary resources and best methods of integrating technology into education that aims to empower teachers to be innovative in their classrooms and inspire their students.
مكتبة شاملة للموارد المعاصرة وأفضل الطرق لدمج التكنولوجيا في التعليم والتي تهدف إلى تمكين المعلمين ليكونوا مبتكرين في فصولهم ويلهموا طلابهم.

The Book
Engage your Students with Technology (Kahoot)
- Use technology in your classroom.
- Game based learning.
- Maximize student engagement.
- استخدام التكنولوجيا في الفصول الدراسية
- التعلم من خلال اللعب
- زيادة مشاركة الطلاب
What is special about this book is that one can touch a practical experience which makes us confident that the author realistically aims to increase awareness of the value of technology in prompting students.
المميز في هذا الكتاب؛ أنك تلمس التجربة العملية لتحقيق الفكرة فتتأكد بأن مؤلف الكتاب يهدف بواقعية لزيادة الوعي بقيمة التكنولوجيا في تعزيز الطلاب
Why technology in education?
Technology has revolutionized the way we live; it has become the backbone to most sectors and industries around us. Can you imagine for example the banking sector, the medical sector or the media sector without technology? I believe nowadays in our homes we can settle...
لماذا التكنولوجيا في التعليم؟
أحدثت التكنولوجيا ثورة في طريقة حياتنا وأصبحت بمثابة العمود الفقري لمعظم القطاعات من حولنا. هل بإمكانكم تخيُل قطاع البنوك، قطاع الصحة أو قطاع الإعلام بدون التكنولوجيا. اعتقد أننا في أيامنا هذه يمكننا الاستغناء لفترة محددة عن أي من الخدمات الموجودة في منازلنا ماعدا...
Tools and applications
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TFQ SI 2019, “Intro to Tech in Edu”
Below are the resources from the session "Introduction to Technology in Education" at Teach For Qatar's Summer Institute 2019 Khalid Yassin's Channel: Al Janahi's...
Both Students and parents agree that Mathematics is an essential subject but what differs is how much students like it or enjoy working with it. We always try to find ways to engage students with Maths in the class and/or at home. I want to share a helpful website...
iPad apps for creating screencasts and educational videos
Once teachers become more familiar with interactive boards and start using iPads and tablets in their classrooms they start searching for applications that can allow them to use their iPads as interactive boards. In addition to that one of the things that teachers...
تطبيقات لتسجيل الشاشة وإنشاء فيديوهات على الأيباد
عندما يصبح المعلمين أكثر دراية باللوحات التفاعلية ويبدأون في استخدام الأيباد والألواح الرقمية في صفوفهم، حينها يبدأون بالبحث عن التطبيقات التي يمكن أن تسمح لهم باستخدام الأيباد كلوح تفاعلي. ونعلم ايضاً أن المعلمين يقومون دائماً بإنشاء الفيديوهات التعليمية لطلابهم، هذه...
Exploring ICT in Education 2016
Kahoot: Play: Website: Download my free eBook infograph click here Quizizz: Play: Website: ClassDojo: Website: Explaineveything: ...
I remember some walls in my city and how it used to have all these writings and drawn pictures which sometimes can be attractive and creative. There was a little bit of poetry, quotes and other personal messages that someone realized that the wall is the best place to...
Imagine having an interactive board and you want to create a presentation, which is also interactive where you add pictures, videos animations, experiments and bring real world experiences to the classroom. All this can be done using Activinspire. It is software that...
A geoboard is a mathematical manipulative used to explore basic concepts in plane geometry such as angles, perimeter, area and the characteristics of triangles and other polygons. Initially it consisted of a physical board with a certain number of nails half...
Contact Khalid
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