by خالد | Jan 16, 2017 | Apps and Tools |
by خالد | Jul 25, 2016 | Apps and Tools |
Below are the resources from the session “Introduction to Technology in Education” at Teach For Qatar’s Summer Institute 2019 Khalid Yassin’s Channel: Al Janahi’s...
by خالد | Jun 16, 2016 | Articles |
Technology has revolutionized the way we live; it has become the backbone to most sectors and industries around us. Can you imagine for example the banking sector, the medical sector or the media sector without technology? I believe nowadays in our homes we can settle...
by خالد | Jun 16, 2016 | Articles |
أحدثت التكنولوجيا ثورة في طريقة حياتنا وأصبحت بمثابة العمود الفقري لمعظم القطاعات من حولنا. هل بإمكانكم تخيُل قطاع البنوك، قطاع الصحة أو قطاع الإعلام بدون التكنولوجيا. اعتقد أننا في أيامنا هذه يمكننا الاستغناء لفترة محددة عن أي من الخدمات الموجودة في منازلنا ماعدا...
by خالد | Jun 8, 2016 | Apps and Tools |
Both Students and parents agree that Mathematics is an essential subject but what differs is how much students like it or enjoy working with it. We always try to find ways to engage students with Maths in the class and/or at home. I want to share a helpful website...